Photo: H•A ThirtyOne
Photo: H•A ThirtyOne
A: Remember when we said keep those cookie-cutters in the drawer? We truly believe that each of our partner schools embodies a unique shape and profile. So “typical” just isn’t a word that applies.
A: Again, we start each project by understanding the need, the goal, and then we get to work with strategy and creative. We may begin work with a school that needs one publication to be developed, or the pinch spot could be their Junior Visit Campaign. Some institutions will partner with H·A ThirtyOne to conduct all of Student Search initiatives, as well as fulfillment and Communication Flow development. For every individual school there is an individual scope of work and project plan.
We listen first, then develop a framework for what project scope will enable the successful attainment of the goal or goals. It is common for H·A ThirtyOne to engage in multiple projects with each of our partner schools, including at least one Search or multi-channel campaign initiative.
Photo: H•A ThirtyOne
Photo: H•A ThirtyOne